

LOOK UP! Those stars tell a story, and you have your own beautiful story that is unique to you depending on the date and location of your birth. I’m here as the interpreter to share how the cosmos impact you. Your birth chart shares information that validates your personality and can be used as a self growth tool. I also use birth charts to support relationship dynamics and life phases (past, present, and future). We don’t use astrology as an excuse around here, yet an invitation to be comfortable and proud of yourself. So, What make you, YOU? Let’s talk about your true gifts from the stars above.

Astrology Chats Available

  • Full Birth Chart

    What makes you, YOU? Let's star chat to find out and validate what you have always known.

    *Recommended if this is your first time getting an astrology chart reading

  • Relationship Astrology

    Parent/Child chart Readings

    Couples Chart Reading

    Family/Friend Chart Reading

  • Guidance Astrology

    Life has many phases, and astrology can help you better understand what is going in the here and now. Whether it's health, career, relationships, motivations, and struggles.


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